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Accelerated Reader Certification Levels

Did you know as a student you have a reading certification goal set for you in Accelerated Reader? You should because your teacher should have informed you as to what your reading certification level goal is in addition to your book level goal, points goal, and average percent correct on quizzes goal.

Renaissance Learning, Inc. is the company who created Accelerated Reader, and they have set criteria for reading certification goals. Here is the criteria:

It is very important to know when your certification level changes from one to another because the criteria changes. Students often are reading books with an acceptable book level to meet their reader certification level goal. However, it is the amount of points a book is worth that a student selects to read that is often times too low to meet his or her certification level goal.

The first three certification levels (Ready, Independent, and Rising Reader) all require a student to earn ten points, and only the book level and how the student read the book is is different. Super Reader is the first level where points for a book factor into the success of earning a reader certification level. The point value needs to be one point or higher to achieve Super Reader status. Once a student achieves all the levels (1-5 levels) of Super Reader, the student will move to Advanced Reader and need to start selecting at least three books (and pass the AR quizzes) worth two or more points. All certification levels have 1-5 levels (exception is Independent) meaning a student needs to read and pass three more book quizzes with the same criteria for the certification level he or she is currently trying to achieve. I'd like to point out that Star Reader jumps to books worth four or more points to achieve certification, and Classic Reader requires books worth seven or more points.

Honors Reader and Exemplar Reader are very different in their criteria than any of the other certification levels. When the time comes that you reach Honors Reader goal, you will need to meet with your classroom teacher for indiviudal instruction for reading criteria.

This post's purpose is to ensure that students know what is required of them to achieve their AR reader certification level goal. You are responsibile for your own reading success! Ask your teacher or librarian for your certification levels criteria if you happen to forget it or not know it.

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