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Teaching & Learning with Magazines

While cataloging some new magazine issues, I came across several ideas and information I want to share with both students and teachers.

First, to the teachers...

We subscribe to five Cobblestone Publishing magazines: Appleseeds, Faces, Ladybug, Odyssey, and Spider. Recently, I discovered on their Website that they offer Teacher Guides that align with Common Core Standards. For each back issue, teachers can find a teaching guide for the magazine in their grade level. Super easy and now right at your fingertips! Here is the link.

Here are the magazines we have subscriptions for currently and the grade levels Cobblestone categorizes them under:

Kindergarten: Ladybug

Grades 1-4: Spider, Appleseeds

Grades 5-8: Faces, Odyssey

For the 2015-2016 school year, we will start subscribing to Click (Grades 1-4) which is sparks learning about nature, the sciences, and the arts. This will be a great addition to the library's periodicals collection and introduce young students to key STEM concepts.

Now students...

Do not forget that our school library carries print issues of the magazines listed above, as well as, digital issues. Refer to the Magazines tab on the main menu above to access our digital scubscription logins. You will need a password to access the Magazines page and that password can be found on Destiny's homepage. ;)

Reading magazines and other periodicals (i.e. newspapers) is so important to staying current with what is going on in the world around us. Magazines articles are written by well-educated individuals who have researched the topic and can provide credible resources as to where he or she retrieved the information. Magazines also offer a variety of learning tools for a variety of learners. There are many pictures and graphics along with the text. Online tools and resources are provided to keep up with the fast paced world of technology the 21st Century has brought us. If you haven't given a magazine a chance, I encourage you today to take a look at one of the digital issues for starters. If not, wait until you are back at school to check out a printed issue in the library.

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